Yesterday I had the glorious opportunity to go through the temple with one of my best friends. (no I didn't get married) One of my good friends from high school has made the glorious choice to serve a mission. We're both leaving in March! So exciting. She invited me yesterday to go through her endowment session. It was a great experience.
Since going through myself two weeks ago I hadn't yet had the chance to go through a second time. I was super nervous to go through again without an escort. There are lots of things to remember and do and I was quite worried that I would hold things up. I also had no idea how things worked in the Rexburg, Temple. But I couldn't help but be excited! The temple is great and the spirit there is so peaceful.
In 2008 I was blessed with the opportunity to be a part of the groundbreaking and the open house of the Rexburg Temple yesterday I was able to go inside. It was so great. So beautiful. And so confusing....but still great! Once the temple workers see that you have your big kid recommend they just let you go. After wandering around for a little bit one of the sweet temple ladies recognized a lost soul and helped me get to where I needed to be. I didn't need to be nervous. Everyone in the temple is looking for the same things as I was. The sweet peace and spirit of the temple. Everyone helped me get to where I needed to be and do the things that needed to be done.
As I was sitting in the session I was looking at my little pink name card. When you go through an endowment session for the dead they let you hold the card. I like it that way. My lady was Edith born in 1875 in Massachusetts. She was baptized and confirmed in 2009 and had her initories done in 2011. That blew me away. It took 4 years from when she was baptized to have her endowments done. Isn't that crazy? She has been on the other side of the veil patiently waiting for her life saving ordinances to be completed. And is still waiting for someone to take the time to do her sealing.
Looking at those numbers I realized I need to make more time for the temple. There are thousands of people on the other side of the veil waiting for that next step to be done for them. And there is nothing they can do but wait. When I was younger I only saw to baptisms and confirmations for the dead I'd completely forgotten that the wait for those people wasn't over. There is so much that needs to be done. And all it takes is a little time out of our daily lives. Just a couple hours to the temple to save the life eternally of another. Sounds worth it to me.
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