Friday, November 16, 2012

All American Girl?

   From my meeting with both the Bishop and the Stake President I noticed something, which lead to an interesting lesson. 
   In my meetings with both of them they would ask me questions to try and get to know me better. They also tried really hard to build my self-esteem and kept saying really nice things about me that I had never thought about myself before. I have never really taken compliments very well. I just don't know what to do when someone compliments me. So when they would tell me things about how awesome I was or how nice I honestly just didn't know what to do. They would make statements about me that I didn't know how to respond to. I thought it was weird that they would build me up this way. And I had a super hard time finding something good to say about myself it just seemed like a prideful activity.
   When I came home from my meetings I was still weirded out. The Stake President had told me I was the All American girl...what does that even mean? But after reflecting on what happened in not one of my meetings, but both I think I understand. 
   For the majority of our lives people around us are tearing us down. I have noticed that one of the ways that Satan especially tries to bring me down is by pointing out all of my imperfections and flaws. He is constantly telling me that I'm not good enough. I know that our Savior and Heavenly Father think the exact opposite of that. They loves us more than anything and are always looking for the good in us. I know that lots of the time they wish we could see what they see in us. I think that they use others like the Bishop and Stake President to try and get us to see ourselves the way they do. I'm not saying I'm perfect or that anyone is, but we are greater than we think we are. There is good in us and about us that we often forget. I think that the Bishop and Stake President were merely trying to make me stronger and help me to see and feel my Saviors love for me. 
  I still might not understand what an All American girl is, but I will take that as a compliment and be proud of it. I will embrace the good in myself and strive to be better. 

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