Friday, January 4, 2013


  Yup...still going. I am currently like a leaky faucet...deep thoughts are slowly dripping out of me and nothing can stop the leak. It is kind of irritating and pretty soon you're just going to want to turn the water off, but for now you decide to try and deal with the small drip. Anyway this next thought is a pretty good one. I think it is pretty important. 
   Our whole lives we work on being worthy so we can hear the still small voice. We pray asking for guidance and looking for answers. Sometimes I think we are so busy worrying about the answer and listening to the world that we miss what the Holy Ghost is saying. It is called the still small voice for a reason. He isn't going to yell at us or hit us with a baseball bat. It is much more subtle than that and if we aren't listening for it there is a chance we could miss it. 
   This isn't an occasional deal. A state of ourselves that we can turn on when we want to. We shouldn't be at a place where we are listening for the spirit only when we ask a question. We should be ready for the Holy Ghost to talk to us at anytime. He is there to guide us even when we don't think we need guidance. He can warn us from danger or even just comfort us when we are having a rough day. If we aren't doing the things we're supposed to and are too involved in the ways of the world we are going to miss those things as well. Sometimes the Holy Ghost doesn't even talk to us to for ourselves. Sometimes he prompts you to act in a way that will help another. It may be something that later we find out was the act to change a person's life or we might not ever know why we were prompted to act a certain way. It could even just be test to see if we were listening. 
  The thing is you never know if there was something you were supposed to do or say for yourself or someone else. We are going to be lead on the time by promptings when we are in the mission field. It isn't always easy to hear the things the Holy Ghost is saying. It takes practice and it takes work. What better time is there to prepare to use that skill than now? Sometimes we get prompting and we are too afraid to act. Maybe we don't think we can really help a situation, people won't appreciate it, or someone won't want to hear it and get upset. The truth is we don't know until we do it. We might not ever know that it helped anything or anyone. It is up to us to have faith be brave and obey. One day we will look back and be thankful that we listened and worked so that we could recognize the spirit and its promptings. 

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